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This document contains a list of useful Portable Batch System (PBS) commands. The man pages for the PBS commands are available on hpc-login1 and hpc-login2.

More information about the TORQUE resource manager (PBS) and the Moab Cluster Scheduler can be found at Adaptive Computing’s official documentation website, located at

PBS commands qsub: submits PBS job

typical usage:

qsub [-A account] script

qdel: deletes PBS job

typical usage:

qdel job_identifier

qstat: shows the status of PBS jobs

typical usage:

qstat -f job_identifier

mybalance -h: shows the number of computational core hours used and how many core hours have been allocated to project

typical usage:

mybalance -h

myqueue: shows all running and queued jobs for a user

typical usage:


myquota: show disk quotas for all projects in which the user is a member

typical usage:


showstart: shows the approximate starting time of the job

typical usage:

showstart job_identifier

checkjob: shows the current status of the job

typical usage:

checkjob job_identifier

checknode: shows the status of the node

typical usage:

checknode node_identifier

pbsnodes: shows the detail of nodes

typical usage:

pbsnodes -a To list the count of unique nodes along with the properties of those nodes:

pbsnodes -a | grep properties | sort | uniq -c

pbsdsh: distributes task to nodes under pbs

typical usage:

pbsdsh executable [args] This command copies the inputfile into /tmp directory of each node:

pbsdsh cp inputfile /tmp

mpiexec: initializes parallel job

typical usage:

mpiexec executable [args] This command copies the input file into /tmp directory of each node:

mpiexec -comm=none -pernode cp inputfile /tmp

useful_pbs_commands.1508393317.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/19 06:08 by Editor